Raise FREE Funds for CvC!
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Please help support Cabaret VS Cancer by shopping online.
Use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,600 retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S.
Helping Women following a Masectomy
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We are pleased to have provided a small grant of £500 to Boost today to help them develop alternative prosthetic to women following a mastectomy.

2018/19 Annual Repost
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We are pleased to have submitted our 2018/19 annual report to the Charities Commission.

New Ambassador!
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Welcome to our newest Ambassador, Dave Cross.
Dave is a big supporter of our work, particularly with the child bereavement teams. He's done a lot of fundraising for us in the last twelve months and we look forward to raising lots more in 2019!
Why not send a gift to the Child Berevement Team?
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You can now buy a gift from our Amazon Wish List and it will be sent directly to the Child Berevement Team at St Jospeh's Hospice.
Amazon Smile
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Cabaret vs Cancer is now signed up to benefit from AmazonSmile, a scheme which enables Amazon customers to donate to a charity of their choice every time they shop, at no extra cost to them.
When you shop at you will have the same shopping experience as at, but with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to us. This has raised $62 million for 23,000 charities in the US.
You can select Cabaret vs Cancer as your chosen charity and this will raise funds for us each time you shop with AmazonSmile. All you have to do is log in through AmazonSmile, select us as your charity, then when you make a purchase, a percentage of your spend will be donated to Cabaret vs Cancer.
Thank you for your support and happy shopping!
Welcome to our NEW Trustee!
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We are over the moon to welcome to the team Lilly Snatchdragon as Cabaret vs Cancer's newest Trustee.
Rose Thorne, founder of Cabaret vs Cancer said "Lilly is a force to be reckoned with and her sheer determination and drive will bring great things to the work of the charity. She has been a supporter of the charity for a long while, but under the title of Ambassador we know she will make sure the world knows how to donate!"
On her appointment, Lilly said "After watching my father die of stomach cancer in Laos on January 4th 2016 where there is hardly any form of support for cancer patients or the family, my sister and I were his nurses. We washed him, helped him go to the toilet and slept at the end of his bed to help him when he was vomiting. For me, not having any idea what was happening to my father and having to google 'stages of death' was incredibly traumatic.
Being a Trustee for Cabaret vs Cancer means a lot to me. Being able to do something/anything to raise money so others won't have to experience what I went through is important."
December 2017 Grants Awarded!
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The trustees are pleased to have awarded the following grants in the second grants awards of 2017:
Macmillan Cancer Support - £4,000
Cancer Research - £4,000
St Joseph's Hackney (St Michael's End of Life Ward) - £5,000
St Joseph's (Child Bereavement team) - £2,000
Thank you Edinburgh!
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A huge thunderous thanks to our Edinburgh Ambassador Julie-Ann Laidlaw and her team for collecting a cracking £2,695.50 from 'Five Thirty cabaret', Le Monde cabaret' and 'Vive La Variete' plus the bar staff at the New Town Theatre for donating all their tips on the last night!

We celebrate our 1st Birthday!
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We are so excited to celebrate our first birthday, and so proud of everything that everyone has done over this first year. To celebrate this special occasion we are so happy to announce that Bettsie Bon Bon will be joining our Ambassador team!
Bettsie said "I have been so proud of the cabaret vs cancer team and all they have done for a cause that we have all been personally touched by. I'm over the moon to be asked to be an ambassador of the charity and excited to work at growing the charity."
I'll Be Right Here... Update!
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We are nearing the end of our first campaign, and am over the moon to say we are at 64% of our target... We still have our Star Wars auction, and you can still donate via text and our donate buttons across the site.
Our May Campiagn
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It's a very big word. Even to an adult it's a big, scary word.
Many of us have sat with a parent, friend or relative as they've edged towards the end of life. It's big and it's scary. As an adult we grasp that 'death' is the end word. We don't understand it, but on a certain level we grasp it.
Imagine you're six. Mum made your fancy dress outfit for Halloween, mum knew how to get in touch with the tooth fairy, mum knew what your favourite sandwich filling was in the packed lunch she made for you every day you've ever been at school.
But mum is dying, in a strange place which smells funny. Grownups tell you that you have to sit there and not get in the way. Sit there and be quite. Do your homework but be quiet. It's scary and it's the biggest thing to ever happen to you.
'I'll be right here' is Cabaret Vs Cancer's month long campaign to help support children who are losing a parent to cancer. Working with St Joseph's Hospice and The Fruitfly Collective, we are working on a support box for children to be given when their parent is admitted to the palliative care unit. The box won't replace mum or dad but it will help them through a really scary time in their lives.
We need your help to raise £4,000 to get the first 100 boxes done, to make sure they are right, to make sure the literature for adults helps them talk about death, to help the children when the inevitable happens, and to help them cope without one of the most important people in their lives.
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We put our questions to Cabaret vs Cancer Ambassador Missy Malone!
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We put our questions to Sin Bozkurt, the man behind the lens of the Cabaret vs Cancer!
How to support Cabaret vs Cancer
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A few have asked how you can support Cabaret vs Cancer more than just through the Bowie show.
Our website has a link to direct debits you can set up, our shop and PayPal donate options.
Our next big fundraising campaign is in May where we will be raising money specifically for the Child Bereavement team at St Joseph's.
And don't forget our brilliant fundraisers who rattle cans and buckets at some of the UKs top cabaret and burlesque events.
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We put our questions to Havana Hurricane!
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We put our questions to Marnie Scarlet!
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Our press release for Ashes to Ashes II - interviews and more available via email

Ashes to Ashes II - The Auction!
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Following the success of our Bowie art Auction in 2016, where over £3,000 was raised, the second DAVID BOWIE auction is now available online - the auction goes LIVE on January 10th, and all auctions will close on March 2nd (the day after the international Ashes to Ashes cabaret tributes).
New work is being added weekly so keep checking for something you like the look of. Remember all artwork has been donated by the artists and all money is donated to Cabaret vs Cancer.
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We put our questions to Champagne Charlie!
Press Release: Your one-stop shop for fabulous Festive Finery, Frocks and Gifts!
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Your one-stop shop for fabulous Festive Finery, Frocks and Gifts!
Cabaret vs Cancer presents The Amazing Vintage and Craft Bazaar - bringing London's very best vintage clothes sellers and crafters together for one day only!
Press Release: The Ultimate Stocking Filler
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The ultimate stocking filler – and not a pair of stockings in sight!
If you thought that the WI calendar was the ultimate cheeky charity Christmas gift, think again, these cabaret guys and girls are about to show you how it’s done!
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We put our questions to Abnormalik, Mr July 2017!
Pre-order your calendar over at our shop
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This is it! The 4th ALl Nude Cabaret Calendar is now available to pre-order. Featuring: La Poule Plombée, Folly Mixtures, Ruth Less, Marisa Carnesky, Duo Bogof, Mysti Vine, Abnormalik, Jonny Woo, Luna Rosa, Dusty Limits, Havana Hurricane and Heavy Metal Pete
MEAT RAFFLE tickets now on sale!
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TICKETS NOW ON SALE! We are holding a MEAT RAFFLE at the Vintage & Craft Bazaar on Sunday November 27th 2016. The prizes for the raffle include:
* £100 online meat voucher from Turner & George
* Six months of bacon from Cure & Simple
* £30 online meat voucher from Pipers Farm
* Plus Peperami toys and treats!
Email us for tickets
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We put our questions to Morning Star, our Dr Sketchy Leeds Ambassador and maker of our CVC badges!
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We put our questions to Tricity Vogue, Miss Janaury 2014!
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We put our questions to Nathan Evans, Mr August 2016!
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We put our questions to Sarah-Louise Young our FIRST 2017 Calendar announcement, and star of our first calendar back in 2014!
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We put our questions to Benjamin Louche, one of our trustess and Mr November 2014!
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Brand new charity of cabaret performers raises over £10k to fight cancer