Over the years the calendars have been dedicated to a number of people who we've lost to cancer or who won their battle against the disease
A - Adam Little, Alan Walton, Albert Fearon Alexander Chappell, Amy Corbin, Ann Parkes, Aoife Mannix
B - Barbara Durrant, Barbara Rainbow, Bart Thunder, Betty Home, Bill Prescott
C - Caroline Corless, Catherine E Coulson, Caroline Thompson, Chris Bracey, Chrissie Keyhoe, Clare Chadwick (nee Irwin)
D - David Bowie, David hardwicke, David Kinsey, Debbie Johnson, Desirée Tyrrell, Dori Lopez, Doris Prescott, Dorothy Salway, Dylano Brederoo
E - Eddie Robins, Eileen Doran, Eileen McCauley, Eimear Coghlan de Grasso, Ellen McKenna, English Craig, Eric Campbell, Eric Ross, Evelyn Harding
F - Frank Franklin
G - Gamil Abou-Lehaf, Gill Hall, Glenda Evans, Graham Hill
H - Harper Ray, Hazel Brett
I - Ivor Kinsey
J - Jack Holmes, James Yates, Jean Kelly, Jean Wright, Jo Larson, John Beecher, John Evans, John Fraser, John Home, John Roulston, Joseph Bell, Josephine Fisher, Joy Betts, Joyce Irene Carr, Joyce Dixon, Juy Gerrish, Julia Hamilton Burke, Julio Segovia
K - Katherine Pledger, Kathleen Billett, Kathleen Harris, Keith Wright, Kris Knott
L - Lily Croll, Linda Jonas, Livvi Brooker, Louis Thompson, Lyn Ross, Luciana Fintelman
M - Malwine Futterweit, Mark Reynolds, Margaret Webb, Mary McKeever, Maxine Philips, May Scopes, Michael Jonas, Miguel Paloma, Mike Hicks
N - Nathanial Fowler, Neil Buckle, Nick Marsh, Nigel Reid
O - Otto Wessley, Owen McCauley
P - Patricia Smedley
R - Ray Griffin, Renate Lalloo, Richard Fraser, Rita Jones, Robert Barltrop, Robert McNeil, Robert Redman Senior, Ronald England, Roy Scopes
S - Sabrina Levi, Sarah Davis, Sarah Wakeford, Sheila Young, Stanley James King, Sonya Hornby, Suzanne Bastien
T - Tamora Pacelli, Tannia Trotter, Teresa McKeever, Terry Giddins
V - Veronica Young, Vicky Reule, Victoria Bagnall
W - Wilko Johnson
Y - Yasmin Nahaboo, Yvonne, Pryor, Yvonne Kobler
Aunt Dorothy Daniel, Deirdre, George, Kumbai, Martino, Michelle, Nana Doris, Nana Liz, Nick,
El Niño, Teva